If you didn’t know us it would be easy to mistake Show TV for a large faceless corporation, sitting in a big concrete office overseas, snarling at interns and lying in bathtubs of money.
Although, like most people, we don’t hate the idea of bathing in money, these assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth! And with our most common misconception being “this is just another offshore company” nah mate.
As an Australian born and bred company, Show TV is a small group of people who not only work together, but treat each other like family, in fact, like a lot of people this side of the world, some of us really are family!
Being local through and through is something we are incredibly proud of but one thing we don’t have in common with our much loved icon, the Kangaroo, is that we can fly! Here at Show TV we dream big, take chances and put our heart and soul into the products we sell and content we produce.
While you might have seen us at live events, on TV, or on social media before, we are not your average company. Show TV is actually a small, locally owned business operating out of Melbourne, Australia. For over 10 years, we have focused our efforts on traveling around Australia, demonstrating our products at live events such as markets, home shows, expos and more!
For many wonderful years week in and week out we have been on the move up and down the country face to face with our awesome customers, demonstrating our leading edge products at events and shows. It’s a very unique way to connect with our customers and we have always loved the personal touch it brings to our company. We always say “everything we sell, we use” and if you’ve ever seen us pitch our products at an event you will know that to be the truth! But then in 2020 suddenly everything changed….
An unbelievable global event shook the world, something that no one saw coming, and no one knew how to fix, and so Australia and the rest of the world shut down… One thing we really pride ourselves on at Show TV is resilience and the ability to adapt and overcome, and so once the news hit that a lockdown due to Covid-19 was imminent, our small team gathered in our boardroom and made a plan. We took one last glance at each other around the table, accepting the grim reality that this may be the last time we all sit in this room together, then strapped our gumboots on and got to work. We loaded our vehicles up with every single Show TV product we had, locked our front doors, and did not reemerge for months.
We knew if we didn’t have events to demonstrate our products at, or even the ability to go outside, one thing we did still have was a talented bunch of people who truly care about Show TV and have years of experience demonstrating products and showing people how things work. And of course, we had the internet!
And so, delving into a world unknown to us, we began to create videos, tutorials and articles for our online social platforms. Our team worked tirelessly to create engaging content as children ran in and out of our videos, partners interrupted us and pets decided to make special guest appearances. Throughout the chaos, online audiences from across the nation began to tune into our videos. We’d found a way to connect with our fellow Aussies and our efforts to stay afloat during the most challenging time in Show TV history worked!
We are now around the boardroom once again, and our small family is beginning to grow. Thanks to the efforts from our fellow Aussies in combating the virus, we are now able to continue with our much loved live events, as well as our new venture into the online world. We are refocusing, rebuilding and creating something that we like to call ‘Social Shopping’.
As we grow, we want to take you with us, so stay tuned for more exciting news and updates as we transform Australia with leading edge products, friendly local service and of course, our good old Aussie sense of humour!